
10th practical day

 Hello everyone. How are you.Today our 10th practical day. . Old and eternal Bukhara" monument, the new building of the regional theater and the cultural center, which includes the amphitheater built on the basis of a modern project, and consists of flower gardens and avenues, are among them, the honor of our independence, the power of our people, and the initiative and leadership of our President. the noble city became even more beautiful and became a true jewel of the East.

9th practical day

 Hello everyone. Today our 9th practical day. We visited to Mag'oki Attori Mosque.  The Magoki-Attori Mosque in the city's centre is an example of an urban mosque in a residential quarter. The mosque was built on the site of the pre-lslamic Moh temple mentioned above. Excavations have revealed the fact that even under the Samanids there was a six-pier mosque, which apparently was also domed. However, it was rebuilt substantially in the twelfth century; the floor level was upgraded and the main facade received a new design that survives with little damage only. By the sixteenth century, the thickness of cultural layers had increased so much that mosque seemed to sink deep into the soil and its facade was unearthed only as a result of excavations carried out in the 1930s.

8th practical day

 Today was my eighth practical day. By the way, How are you, guys. Are you ok? Well, if l am  talking about my today's practical day we paid a visit Chor Minor.l gained a lot of information about this mosque. This mosque name is trans lated as four minarets. Each minaret' shape  make a difference from each other.

7th practical day

  Hello how are you dears 🥰🥰 When it comes to me I am fine thank you 😊 Today we went to Turki Jandi mausoleum with our practical group. Now I want to share my feelings with you Turki Zhandi mausoleum is a mausoleum located on Namozgoh Street, the old part of Bukhara . The mausoleum belongs to Turki Jandi, one of the famous imams of Bukhara in the history of the Middle Ages. Sources say that the mausoleum is located in the southern part of Bukhara, and there is also a stone well [1] . The mausoleum is included in the national list of immovable property objects of the material and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan.Turki Jandi mausoleum is located in the southern part of Bukhara city. Turki Jandi cemetery was also located in this area. The mausoleum belongs to Abu Nasr Ahmad ibn Fazl ibn Musa al-Muzakkir al-Jandi. Many scholars and scholars were buried in this mausoleum and cemetery [2]. Abu Nasr Ahmad ibn Fazl ibn Musa al-Muzakkir al-Jandi died at the beginning of the 11th century. A b

6th practical day

 Hello my dears🥰❤ How are you? As you know, I and my coursemates are in practice.Today we went to Khoja Zayniddin mosque, where is located not far Old city, it is about 300 metres near to Minaret Kalyan. So, This complex is consisted of a pool, mosque, madrasah and some small hujras. One hujra is called chillakhona which was dedicated to medidate. That time it was called meditation room. huhu The khanaqah style is same with the style of Nadir Devanbegi Khanaqah. Thi building was built in the honor of Imam Al-Bukhari by Khoja Fazliddin during Shaybanid ruler period in the middle of 16th century. In the midst of construction this monument, the sponsor and Architect were gone, but according to the archeologists, the sponsor was rich because of the expensive ornaments.

5- practical day

 Today was our last day of practice for this week. The weather was very nice and sunny. We visited to Modarixon madrasah which is located a bit far from ark citadel Modarixon madrasah was built in 1566-1567. It was built in the honor of Abdullxan's mother. In the opposite side of the madrasah is located Abdullaxan madrasah. During the construction of the madrasah all population of Bukhara attended. It is two story building with a lot of rooms, xonaqohs. In the top of the madrasah there was written sura "Alaq" with white colors  Even the weather was hot, we had a wonderful day with my coursemates

4-practical day

 Good evening everyone ☺️ 😊. I'm gonna share about my fourth day of practical lesson. So we visited to Sayyid po Bandikusho.Said po Bandikusho was the symbol of truth. Before, the grave of Said po Bandikusho was in Samarqand darvoza, but later it was brought to the home where he lived. The mosque “Said po Bandikusho” is located on Khorezm Street. Hazrat Said Abulhasan Is the teacher of the famous Abu Bakr Gulbandi. The grave of Hazrat Said Abulhasan is located in the yard of Khorezm Street.It is the mosque which is located near home mausoleum of Said po Bandikusho Thank you for your attention, see you soon 😊